All tagged creation

Season of Creation: Enough

It is greed that continues to rape the earth of natural resources for energy instead of developing and advancing the means that could be sustainable. It is greed that clear-cuts, over plants and overgrazes, over-fertilized when the land can’t keep up, and has allowed for runoff into waterways, warming the oceans, killing the plants and creatures. We could bring healing to the oceans and the air we breathe if someone could farm seaweed into the oceans, it would support the creatures but importantly the coral that holds CO2. But there’s no economic incentive to do so… so no one has. Are we willing to give a little more to the earth of what she needs, when we have enough?

Baptisms and New Creations

The skies were ripped a part, creations was re-written because you are Beloved. With no expectations and no accomplishments, just the hope that you will become fully who you are created to be, that you will love abundantly, that you will step into the work of justice and mercy, to treat your neighbor as beloved as well. In these moments the tangible and intangible, Heaven and Earth touch, the veil is thin and God comes close. 

Dance it Out

We answer the call to participate in the dance by learning about our creator, by being in relationship, by reading the stories and poems of the people of God. Somme found in the Bible and some not. We spend time in prayer, speaking, listening, connecting with the Divine. We learn to see the movements of the Divine in the world around us so we can participate in the work that is already happening all around us.