All tagged Matthew

Season of Creation: Water is Web

We have to live in the hope, we have to live in the confidence that the God who brings water to dry places, renewing the face of the earth will bring renew us, will renew our communities, will renew creation. We live in the confidence that the God of creation can connect the that which binds us, the web that connects us, the water that flows through the earth, can be brought forth to saturate dry places. To bring justice where there is none, to bring water from rocks, springs to deserts. It is the Wadi in Israel, rains in Cape Town, it’s moments and sparks and drizzles.

Season of Creation: Enough

It is greed that continues to rape the earth of natural resources for energy instead of developing and advancing the means that could be sustainable. It is greed that clear-cuts, over plants and overgrazes, over-fertilized when the land can’t keep up, and has allowed for runoff into waterways, warming the oceans, killing the plants and creatures. We could bring healing to the oceans and the air we breathe if someone could farm seaweed into the oceans, it would support the creatures but importantly the coral that holds CO2. But there’s no economic incentive to do so… so no one has. Are we willing to give a little more to the earth of what she needs, when we have enough?

Season of Creation: Protecting the Commons

We do not stand here as islands but as part of an ecosystem of other humans and all of creation. The ground under our feet is not the only important place, and what we do here has an impact on the rest of the world. The commons are spaces between us and above us and all around us, the spaces that need nurturing, that need healing, reconciling, restoring, renewing.